Nanodrop Spectrophotometer- Photo Absorbance Meter
Features:Nano volume spectrophotometer for measurement of DNA, RNA & Protein. Must be with sample mixing facilities for sample uniformity. Portable and light weight with built in 7-10-inch Touchscreen LCD display. Must be equipped with USB, A/B, HDMI, and LAN interface connection with front USB drive port for quick and easy data transfer. Temperature adjustable cuvette option with linear range 2.6OD or better.
Technical Specifications:
Brand:IMPLEN GmbH, Germany
Model:N-60 Touch
Detection Range dsDNA:1ng/µl to 16,500ng/µl. 
Detection Range BSA:0.03 mg/ mL to 478 mg/ mL. 
Sample storage:32GB memory.
Minimum Sample Size:0.3µl
Photometric Range:0.02 – 330A
Path Length:0.67 & 0.07mm (approx.)
Dilution Factor:15 & 140
Sample mixing speed 2800rpm with 2.0 mL tube (approx.). 
Optical Specification:
Wavelength Scan Range:200 – 900nm
Measure Time for full scan range:3.5 – 6.0 second
Wavelength Reproducibility:± 0.2nm
Wavelength Accuracy:± 0.75nm
Bandwidth:<1.8 nm
Stray Light:<0.5% at 240nm using NaI and <1% at 280nm using acetone. 
Absorbance Reproducibility:< 0.002A
Absorbance Reproducibility:< 0.002A
Absorbance Accuracy:< 1.75% 0.7A (0.67mm path) 280nm of the reading
Zero Stability:±0.003 A/hour after 20 min warm up @ 280nm. 
Noise:0.002Arms at 0 A @ 280nm, 0.002A (pk to pk) at 0A @ 280nm. 
Optical Arrangement:1 x 3648CCD Array.
Lamp: Xenon flash lamp. Lifetime should be 100-120 flashes and up to 10 years.
Display: 1024 x 600pixel
Certification:CE, IEC 61010-1:2012 and EN 61326-1:2013
Battery Certification:IEC 62133 and UN38.3 transport test
Other Accessories:Required necessary accessories & consumables quoted with above item to install & operate the system.An installation Table with cabinet and rack included.
Country of OriginEU-Germany. 
Make and assemblyEU-Germany
Certification- Country of OriginYes
Manufacturer Authorization LetterYes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Manufacturer Warranty and guaranty Yes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Standard Warranty and guarantyOne Year
Extended Service WarrantyFive years (including warranty period)
Training2-3 days training on maintenance, trouble shooting, operation, and application of equipment will be provided by us after installation and commissioning. W will train up the appointed scientists/experts/technician until ready for operation.
Packing listPacking list from manufacturer will be provided with system
CatalogManufacturer catalogue submitted in English
Remarks (any)N/A