UV-VIS. Spectrophotometer
Features: Double Beam UV-VIS Scanning Spectrophotometer from 190 to 1100 nm.Should be suitable for both PC controlled and standalone operation with reference and sample holders.Measurement mode: Photometric mode, Spectrum mode, Quantitation mode, Kinetics mode, Time scan mode, Bio method mode, and Maintenance and Shared function must be included. Photometric Mode:Measures the photometric value at a single wavelength or multiple (up to eight) wavelengths set in 0.1mm increments.Spectrum mode: Measurement Abs, T%, E, Data storage and recall.Number of repeat scans: 1 to 99. Should be capable to measures a sample spectrum using wavelength scanning. Quantitation mode: Various combinations of wavelength number 1-3 wavelength and derivatives. Automatic concentration calculation using K-factor. Should be capable to measure in Lowry method, BCA method, Biuret method, CBB method, UV method.Kinetics mode:Measurement method: 1-wavelength, 2-wavelength, multi-cell and rate measurements.Bio-method mode:Must be capable of determining DNA and protein concentrations, quantitation, and protein quantitation.Time Course: Measures changes over time in photometric values at specified wavelength.Multi-component quantitation mode: Must be capable to Quantities up to 8-components mix in a single sample.
Technical Specifications:
Brand: Shimadzu Corporation, Japan. 
Model: UV-1900i
Wavelength Range:190 to 1100 nm
Spectral Bandwidth:1 nm (190 to 1100 nm)
Wavelength Slew Rate:29,000 nm/min.
Wavelength Setting:0.1 nm increments with scanning. 
Accuracy:± 0.1 nm at D2 peak 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm for entire range
Wavelength Repeatability: ± 0.1 nm
Scanning Speed:Minimum 29,000 nm/min with survey scanning
Display:24-bit Color Touch screen with Touch pen
Lamp Interchange Wavelength:Automatic interchange link to wavelength. Interchange wavelength range of 295 to 364nm in 0.1nm increments.
Measurement time:1 to 9999 sec/min
Stray LightLess than 0.02% at 220 nm (NaI), Less than 0.02% at 340 nm (NaNO2) & less than 0.5% at 198 nm (KCl) 
Photometric system:Double beam optics. 
Photometric range: Absorbance: -4 to 4 Abs & Transmittance: 0% to 400%
Photometric accuracy: ± 0.002 Abs at 0.5 Abs, ± 0.004 Abs at 1.0 Abs & ± 0.006 Abs at 2.0 Abs.
Photometric Standard:NIST930D or NIST1930.
Photometric Repeatability:Less than ± 0.0002 Abs at 0.5 Abs, less than ± 0.0002 Abs at 1 Abs & Less than ± 0.001 Abs at 2 Abs. 
Baseline Stability:Less than 0.0003 Abs/Hr. (700nm, one hour after light source turned ON).
Baseline Flatness: Less than ± 0.0006 Abs (1,100 to 190 nm, one hour after light source turned ON). 
Noise Level: Less than 0.00005 Abs (700 nm). 
Light Source: 20-W halogen lamp and deuterium lamp with Built-in light source auto position adjustment
Monochromator:Lo-Ray-Light grade blazed holographic grating in Czerny-Turner mounting 
Detector:Silicon photodiode. 
Standard:ISO & CE marked
Power supply:200-240V, 1-pH 50 Hz
Accessoriesa) Quartz Cell: 10μl Square Absorption Fused Silica Quartz Cell- 1Pair. b) Quartz Cell: 3μl Square Absorption Fused Silica Quartz Cell- 1Pair c) Brand Computer, Processor: Intel Core i5, RAM: 8 GB, SSD: 500 GB, Monitor: LCD 18 inch, with original OS and Kit, Mouse, and Keyboard.d) Printer: Laser Printer- 1No.e) UPS: 3KVA True On-line UPS with 30 min back-up in full load- 1No.
a) MS grade Methanol-10Lb) MS grade formic acid -5L (2.5L bottle each)c) MS grade acetonitrile-1L.
Brand Computer- 1No.Dell Brand PC, Processor- Intel Core i9-11900, RAM: 16 GB, SSD: 1TB, Original Windows latest version with original MS office, Optical Drive: DVD-R/W, Monitor: 27 Inch LED.10 KVA On-line UPS with built-in Stabilizer, 60min back up at full load- 01 No.HP/Canon Laser Printer with auto-Duplex- 1No.An installation Table with cabinet and rack included.
Country of Origin:Japan.
Make and assemblyJapan.
Certification- Country of OriginYes.
Manufacturer Authorization LetterYes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Manufacturer Warranty and guaranty Yes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Standard Warranty and guarantyOne Year
Extended Service WarrantyFive years (including warranty period)
Training2 days training on maintenance, trouble shooting, operation, and application of equipment will be provided by supplier after installation and commissioning. We will train up the appointed scientists/experts/technician until ready for operation.
Packing listPacking list from manufacturer will be provided with system
CatalogManufacturer catalogue submitted in English
Remarks (any)N/A