X-Ray Diffractometer, Powder (P-XRD)
Features: XRD should be compacted, and general purposed X-ray diffractometer equipped with a Theta-Theta goniometer as standard.The goniometer should be scanned in vertical direction with high precision in angle, so it makes us capable to measure various types of samples, that is, powder samples, thin films, samples hard to set and samples easy to dissolve by heat.The data processing software should work under Windows 10, so that multitasking of measurement software and data processing one might be available to save working time loss very much. Furthermore, DTP function should enable users to arrange analysis results and edit reports in free format.The main case should be designed for easy operation such as optimum location and direction of sample setting. For safety, it should interlock with the front door.Abundant attachments and application software should be available for various kinds of analysis to build up a system satisfying your needs.XRD should effectively construct a system special for each user. This system should have top-level flexibility which ensures expansion in future by adding the minimum number of attachments.System must have Scintillation Counter Detector.
Technical Specifications:
Brand: Shimadzu Corporation, Japan. 
Model: XRD-6100
X-Ray Generator:
Maximum Rated Output:Minimum 3 KW continuously rated output power.
Control:must have 2nd side detection-1st side control, thyristor method
Tube voltage setting:20-60 KV (in steps of 1 KV).
Tube current setting: 2-80 mA (in steps of 1 mA).
Stability:-0.01 to +0.01% in mA and kV against -10 to +10%
Safety Device: overload with 1.5 to 3kW in 0.5kW overvoltage, over current protection, poor flow rate of the cooling water, Emergency stop, and goniometer stop and other necessary protection
X-Ray Tube: 
Material:Cu Target material
Tube Voltage:60 kV
Tube Current:50mA
Rating:2 KW
Focus Size:1 x 10 mm
Goniometer:The high-precision vertical q-q goniometers should be used in the XRD with a minimum step size of 0.0001°. XRD must feature a variable goniometer radius to handle the analysis of any sample
Goniometer radius:180 to 200mm (adjustable)
Minimum step angle:0.001deg (Theta_s and Theta_d)
Scan range:-6 deg to + 163deg (Theta_s) & -180 deg to + 180 deg (Theta_d)
Scanning mode:Theta_s and Theta_d coupled & Theta_s and Theta_d independent
Motor drive:stepping motor drive (both Theta_s and Theta_d)
Rapid feeding:1000 deg/min (Theta_s and Theta_d)
Scanning speed:0.1deg /min to 50 deg/min (Theta_s and Theta_d)
Glancing angle:6 degrees
Filter:Ni (for Cu tube)
Attachment base distance: 180 to 220 mm
Divergence slit:0.5,1,2 degree and 0.05mm
Scattering slit:0.5,1,2 degree
Receiving slit:0.15mm,0.3mm
Optical System:The XRD should allow the fully automatic adjustment of the goniometer optical system from the computer screen. The zero adjustment of the qs and QD axes, X-ray detector high voltage setting, PHA baseline setting, and window width setting should be conducted automatically, and the associated adjustment data should be saved automatically.
Scintillation Counter Detector:
Photo multiplier:1 inch head on type
Preset time 0.1 to 1000 sec
Digit number:7 digits 
HV for detector:500 to 1200 V
PHA:set of base line and window level
Data processing System:The present system is used to control XRD and collect various kinds of measurement data, as well as to analyze the data by various data processing.
Control software:Controlled terms X-ray generatorX-ray ON/OFFTube voltage and currentGoniometer Theta_s and Theta_d axisDetector voltage, PHA set, scaler
Data processing software file management:conversion from XRD to ASCII data, conversion from ASCII data to XRD, conversion from XD-D1 data to XRD 
Basic data processing:smoothing, subtraction of background, separation of Ka1 and Ka2, peak search, calculation of FWHM and integrated intensity, system error correction, correction by internal/external standard method, arithmetic operation among data
Qualitative analysis:automatic search and match using ICDD data base
Quantitative analysis:generation of working curve, quantitative calculation for unknown sample
Graphic display:vertical display, horizontal display, superpose(3D), Log scale
Attachments: 1. Counter monochromatorA combination of Cu X-ray tube and Cu tube monochromator should be included to cut fluorescent X-rays from Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni samples to enhances the accuracy of qualitative analysis
2. ICDD PDF4 Single License for one year.
3. Auto 5 position sample changer with Option Driver Unit
4. Aluminum Sample Holder 5 Pcs
5. Non-Reflective Sample Holder, 2 pcs
Accessoriesa) Suitable Closed-Circuit Chilling Water System. 
b) Brand Computer: Windows 10 English (64bit) original with kit, CPU Pentium compatible, RAM: 8GB or above, CRT display function: 1280×1024dot, auxiliary memory unit: 500Gbyte type fixed disk 1 set, CD-ROM: CD-ROM/RW drive 1 set, CRT display: 22inch, color LCD. 
c) Printer: Color printer- 1No.
d) Low frequency UPS should be offered for XRD system with 30 mins back-up.
e) An installation Table with cabinet and rack.
Country of Origin:Japan.
Make and assemblyJapan.
Certification- Country of OriginYes
Manufacturer Authorization LetterYes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Manufacturer Warranty and guaranty Yes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Standard Warranty and guarantyOne Year
Extended Service WarrantyFive years (including warranty period)
Training3-days training on maintenance, trouble shooting, operation, and application of equipment will be provided by manufacturer trained engineer after installation and commissioning and 2-days after 3-months of 1st schedule training at user site. We will train up the appointed scientists/experts/technician until ready for operation.
Packing listPacking list from manufacturer will be provided with system
CatalogManufacturer catalogue submitted in English
Remarks (any)N/A