Liquid Nitrogen Vessel Transport Type
Features: EU CE certification.5-year vacuum warranty.Numbered index lifting tube position.Large capacity frozen fine tube storage.Different caliber options, easy to pick and place.High vacuum multi-layer adiabatic design, ultra-low evaporation loss.equipped with a protective sleeve to prevent the product from being bumped in use.Optional safety lock cover structure to prevent others from opening without permission.Optional locking cover 
Technical Specifications:
Brand: Cryogenic Machinery Equipment, China
Model: YDS-10.
Geometric Capacity:10.8L
Empty weight:5.8kg
Outer diameter:330mm
Static evaporation rate:0.08 L/d
Static shelf life: 105L
Outer diameter of lifting bucket: 38mm
Lift barrel height:120mm
Number of buckets: 6mm
Fine tube capacity:792(single layer)
Fine tube capacity:1788(single layer)
Other Accessories:Required necessary accessories & consumables must be supplied with above item to install & operate the system.
Country of Origin:China.
Make and assemblyChina.
Certification- Country of OriginYes
Manufacturer Authorization LetterYes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Manufacturer Warranty and guaranty Yes (On Manufacturer’s letterhead pad)
Standard Warranty and guarantyOne Year
Extended Service WarrantyFive years (including warranty period)
Training2 days training on maintenance, trouble shooting, operation, and application of equipment will be provided by us after installation and commissioning. We will train up the appointed scientists/experts/technician until ready for operation.
Packing listPacking list from manufacturer will be provided with system
CatalogManufacturer catalogue submitted in English
Remarks (any)N/A